During the last few weeks, I have been ringing around trying to Hire a studio for a photoshoot in North England. I dont own a studio & hiring locations or studios is good solution for all the obvious reasons, & ofcourse sometimes the added advantage is that you can hire a location with the right settings already to suite the job. Anyhow, what's most interesting is that 90% of the times when you call to discuss rates, location & available facilities, they ask: "What do you shoot"!!?? Now, what do you say!
If you say "Legs & Feet"!! they usually Freak out! What?? in this establishment!!, so, you could say, oh I shoot "Body Parts"!!, what do you mean body Parts!!! like, dead people!!, Oh now, u know.... like, Hands, Legs, Feet!!! O, O !!
you could always say, Glamour but thats like saying I shoot cheescakes!!! & then everyone wants to hang around.
I tried, "I shoot Fetsih"!!!......Fetish??!??! Oh, Like....Ahhh... do you mean Sex!! No No, Fetish!! Nope, that wont work.
Hoisery!! Oh thats a good one!!.... Do you also wear a Grey Raincoat!!! no , no , I dont lurk in the Dark!!......I could say, Why Do you ask what I shoot? or, Non of your business!! which always means....Oh, I get it! it must be porn!!
So, do you see what I mean!? using the same locations that you have used before is ideal as people get to know you & all is cool. but not everyone that you want to shoot lives in the next block from the usual studio & you cant ask everyone to travel across the country. So, my latest answer is....."Vintage Photography"!!! & hopefully we dont get into too many details. lets just hope that they dont expect to see a ford T Model on the day!!
Let me know if you have a better answer to "& What do you shoot"?........
No Problem at all.
"What do you shoot?"
Yup. Everybody wants to know.
Usually, I downplay it and say that I need to get a few images for my portfolio or that I'm getting some tests shots for a newly installed light meter I haven't used in a studio setting.
After that, most studio and room owners are disinterested. Most of my props and photo gear fits in a medium sized shoulder duffel anyway.
I'm pretty careful about who I refer to as a "model". They are not models -- they are assistants.
No, nobody outside the modeling community understands "parts modeling". Hell, a lot of models don't understand "parts modeling".
If pressed up against the wall, I may let on that I'm going to shoot (whatever small object I have), and (so and so) is going to hold it for me. I may shoot hands first, and then, 'move south'.
In the case I'm ever asked, it's for a photo image bank.
It keeps the lookeeloos happy and kills their curiousity.
As far as venues go, I've had good luch with certain hotels being able to go into unused banquet rooms or conference rooms if I need it for 15-20 minutes -- if it's available. Most times, it's an unused room, and if all they have to do is unlock the door, they don't mind. It's not putting them out at all, so why not. A lot of times, it beats having to deal with a studio and the "twenty questions".
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