Long Live The eMPRESS! & yes, its a small "e"
For those who keep up with the site, see a new gallery "eMPRESS" at www.johnnyjaan.com
every "image" has a story to tell, but perhaps its more than that! I now also think that may be, everyone think of their own story for every image!! If you acquire my drift!
"eMPRESS" rocks!
For sure, every "image" has a story to tell.
What I see in the image above are two mischievous fem feet looking for something to get themselves into. I rather like the 'glaze' effect on the soles and toes. It looks like sweat, which gives the impression that whatever they come in contact with is apt to be corrupted or spoiled. So that's kind of fun. Those toes, gleefully spread look as if they would happily exploit and beguile anything that came in contact with them.
Let's look further into eMPRESS.
eMPRESS image 'G' is a favorite. The two feet posed in this file are waiting pensively -- like two buzzards waiting for prey. Should an unknowing victim find his way into their domain, you can be sure both feet will attack and wreak total havoc on the poor soul. A barrage that will surely leave their innocent crushed and trampled in their wake. No, these do not look like 'friendly feet' at all. And they, too seem to be perspirant. So once their frenzy is over, their opponent is sure to be damp and corrupted with foot odor from the physical assault.
Of course, I'd be first in line to volunteer for a 'sucide mission'!
-- Vince
Another look at another image.
eMPRESS file 'H' is interesting. You are not as close-up as you were for some.
The right leg is in a "power pose", but the foot seems to be shy. It's cute. The foot seems to be exploring the surface texture of the stair as the left one is unsure of resting.
These feet (posed as they are) don't look as if they are accustomed to being exposed. This is a little new to them. I'd think if an object or plaything was introduced (think a ball or a small toy), they would naturally shy away from it.
I see fear.
Great images, btw!
-- Vince
You write with such wonderful imagination......
Male arousal, studies find, is strongly visual, and when men engage in sexual activity or even anticipate it, brain structures once thought to have little connection to sex spring into action.
It`s all in the mind dude. No need for enhancers. The greatest sexual organ is the brain.
Sexual arousal is triggered by any signal that we consider erotic. Hearing, seeing, smelling, or thinking about something sexy can elicit sexual arousal. These stimuli are partly learned and can vary from culture to culture and definitely from person to person. The brain is known as the largest sex organ because of its integral role in sexual arousal. Someone with a foot fetish (like us) may be easily aroused at the sight of two bare feet. Someone else, who may have been sexually abused as a child, may have trouble enjoying sex because of his/her associations of sex with abuse.
-- Vince
"Good writers are in the business of leaving signposts saying, Tour my world, see and feel it through my eyes; I am your guide."
--Larry L. King
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