During the last few weeks, I have been ringing around trying to Hire a studio for a photoshoot in North England. I dont own a studio & hiring locations or studios is good solution for all the obvious reasons, & ofcourse sometimes the added advantage is that you can hire a location with the right settings already to suite the job. Anyhow, what's most interesting is that 90% of the times when you call to discuss rates, location & available facilities, they ask: "What do you shoot"!!?? Now, what do you say!
If you say "Legs & Feet"!! they usually Freak out! What?? in this establishment!!, so, you could say, oh I shoot "Body Parts"!!, what do you mean body Parts!!! like, dead people!!, Oh now, u know.... like, Hands, Legs, Feet!!! O, O !!
you could always say, Glamour but thats like saying I shoot cheescakes!!! & then everyone wants to hang around.
I tried, "I shoot Fetsih"!!!......Fetish??!??! Oh, Like....Ahhh... do you mean Sex!! No No, Fetish!! Nope, that wont work.
Hoisery!! Oh thats a good one!!.... Do you also wear a Grey Raincoat!!! no , no , I dont lurk in the Dark!!......I could say, Why Do you ask what I shoot? or, Non of your business!! which always means....Oh, I get it! it must be porn!!
So, do you see what I mean!? using the same locations that you have used before is ideal as people get to know you & all is cool. but not everyone that you want to shoot lives in the next block from the usual studio & you cant ask everyone to travel across the country. So, my latest answer is....."Vintage Photography"!!! & hopefully we dont get into too many details. lets just hope that they dont expect to see a ford T Model on the day!!
Let me know if you have a better answer to "& What do you shoot"?........