Sunday, January 15, 2006

Some Women Say........

Some women say, Oh No No No, I cant bear "anyone" touching my feet!!! makes me wonder what happened to them in their childhood!!?


Anonymous said...

For some women, just the thought of people (especially guys) just LOOKING at their bare feet is pretty freaky.

I think at an early age, many girls are subject to be tickled. Some of us are WAY more sensitive that others. So even the thought of some stranger even touching their feet is pretty freaky.

In high school, I knew a lot of students that got freaked if even other girls just LOOKED at their bare feet. Blame it on modesty.

As young women, we were brought up (most of us) to think that bare feet are ugly and repulsive. Feet stink. That's a fact (or so we have been told). Bare feet either signify that you are in poverty, you are a hippie chick, or you are promiscuious.

To close, I would say that I have had girl-friends (gal pals) that would rather a stranger touch her bare breasts than her feet.


Hard to call. I know for most, to have their feet touched is a horrifying experience.

Johnny Jaan said...

Yes I can get with the theory of excessive childhood feet tickling manifested as a later deterrent later in life. what a shame!
But generaly,unless one suffers from bromidrosis,with regular bathing Feet shouldnt STINK, set aside exceptional working conditions....anyhow, what do i know about this?? its not as if I have smelt a million feet! just theories!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, Meg.

I agree. It mainly is a flashback or horrible memory of tickle-play at some point in their past

Meg makes a good point though. Society yends to propagate the myth of bare feet being
in themselves gross, ugly, smelly, etc. This seems to enforce the myth that equates bare feet with bad hygeine.


For the record, I actually am okay with having my feet touched. They do tend to get cold, and if my lover is willing, I certainly welcome having them lovingly massaged by a pair of masculine hands. No problems. Most guys won't go anywhere near a girl's feet though. My experience.

BTW: Mr. Jaan, I've got to commend you on two points:

- You are brave to take on the subject of female feet as a photo project. Your images in the galleries are captivating. Enticing.

- Also, kudos to you for treating this subject as erotic art, and not common smut.

you did good!

Anonymous said...

Johnny wrote:
"its not as if I have smelt a million feet! just theories!"

No Johnny. Not a million...
maybe just a few hundered thousand!


Johnny Jaan said...

Dear Jane,
Yes indeed hahaha, u need to be like a sussage factory for a few HUNDRED thousand times! I guess, it THEN turnd into smut! must admit thought, I must have THOUGHT about it a few hundred thousand times but in reality....No way!

Anonymous said...

Johnny, probably because little girls get tickled unmercifully. Sometimes, so bad it carries over into adulthood. I know some women that won't even get pedicures at salons, simply because they can't stand having strangers touch their feet. I guess some others are just super-sensitive. Go fig.

Johnny Jaan said...

Julia, Yes I guess ur right. Interesting how an honest & loving act of Koochikoo by parents (childhood tickling )can have quite the opposit effect in adulthood! I guess its the same in all walks of life....
& what a pleasure u can miss out on later in life!! Some of what we get into is because of Parents, some because of others & some because we learn & get into it!!...oh my god, its like a vicious circle!

Anonymous said...

I used to be not just ticklish, but OMG! I'm going to piss-my-pants ticklish until I started barefooting.

I would rather take 100 steps barefoot and have the one-hundredth step hurt than take 100 steps with my feet in a puddle of foot sweat with the toes compressed. It is delicious, and I pity the empire of sneakers, stilettos and pumps.

Austin, Texas

Johnny Jaan said...

Hmmm!! So please tell me, when u say I'm barefooting, is it like, never wearing shoes? do u wear shoes going to work, driving,shopping,! Or is it that u dont wear shoes around the house, ot take them off when u get to work? does it work?

Anonymous said...

Well, Johnny, I'm a rural postal carrier by day. I have to wear shoes when I'm at the P.O. sorting my mail and back and forth to the postal jeep. Usually once I'm in the jeep I can slide out of them. Most of my deliveries are to roadside boxes, so I rarely have to get out of the jeep. On a few occaisions, my customers have seen me at their doorstep sans shoes.

I just dislike shoes!

Full time barefooter? No, I can't say that I am. I'm more likely to be barefoot indoors than out. Often, I've visited friends at their homes, and it's almost second-nature for me to kick my shoes off. Once in awhile, I'll do that, and people get offended and I'll put them back on.

I used to work in a laid back office... so they didn't bother too much if I am at my end of the office barefoot, but if I walk around too often then I am sure someone would've said something. One day, I did have a coworker mention that I can never ever go barefoot because of insurance reasons. I was about four feet aside from my desk putting mail in the bin, barefooted. I apologized and put them right on. I guess I never really thought much about it.

I have had a few guys that were 'interested' in me decide it would be a kick to lick my toes during a foot massage... (separate occassions) and that kinda grossed me out at first. Just cuz no matter how attractive a foot looks, my God, you go barefoot at all, it's dirty, you put socks on , it gets sweaty and thus dirty. I just didn't think I could kiss someone if they have had my foot in their mouth.. LOL..

So, I meet freaks of all natures since I am such an openminded person ,and basically don't judge other people and their behaviors or actions unless it is interfering with my life.

Austin, Texas

Johnny Jaan said...

Well Sadie, very good of u to share that. without getting into the psychology of it ( & of course i'm not a Mind-guru , but have theories! ), some people do get a kick out of licking dirty feet clean, i think most submissives end up doing that at some stage & even if they are not into Dirty Feet, they do it becasue they are instructed to do it. But, some do like dirty feet & some like very very clean Feet, fresh out of a bath! its a Fetish or not, I guess that a nice clean foot rub, would do any barefooter a world of good!!

Anonymous said...

The difference between Kinky and Perverted can be summed up thus:

Kinky is with a feather.

Perverted is with the whole chicken.