Saturday, May 21, 2005

Foot Fetish Photography Blog

Hello All Foot Fetish Photography Lovers,

I'm a photographer based in the Europe & have had an interest in Foot fetish for a very long time. I have researched the matter for many years now. Some years ago, whilst I was in Boston, in Tower records at about 11pm!, I saw a magazine called the "Leg Show", I couldnt believe that such a magazine existed & so freely available on the shelves!, I sort while later, I became aware of the Late "Guru" Elmer batters which, I guess, blew my mind, AND made me realize that I was not alone. There is no shame about it. Elmer batters had a very tough time about it ( those of u who might not be familiar with his work & have an OBSESSION should become familiar with his work. Look him up ) but he understood Legs & Feet. All the right notes in all the right places. Cut a long sory short, I now have my own website combining all interests, all the right notes in all the right places. Still...Decades later, we can all talk about bob's, bottoms,sex toys,bondage,sex games,golden showers,S&M, cross dressing, etc etc but an interest in FEET as an erotic interest is still considered a PERV, a taboo, a closet subject. its easier to ask someone to take their clothes off for a porn picture than it is to just want to take pictures of legs & feet. Most men DARE not even tell their girlfriends of wives of this interest & it remains a secret & a fantasy. It remains a magazine hidden away which comes out when no one is around for masturbation & reading, doesn't it??!! & what the hell for!!! At least you should come out with it with ur partner & tell her. Do u want to take it to the grave??!! If u getting into a brand new relationship, tell her ( or him ) early on & see what happens. Is she hates it, then forget about her & seek some more!! Would u rather be in relationship where FOOT play is part of Foreplay!!! Anyhow...Enough for now. Let me know what u think.

So.... This is the first weblog! Summer is arriving & there is no better opportunity for anyone with a Foot Fetish interest to feast the EYE & the mind. Time for open toe shoes, open mules, flip flops, sandals & strap on shoes. Time to see Cherry toes, creased arches, insteps, well rounded heels, lovely calves & most of all, shoes daggle at the end of toes. WHAT LEVEL OF FETISH IS YOURS!

For now...