I read an article in the Style section of Financial Times May 6th 2006, entitled: Big Step Forward. The headline goes: Sergio Rossi is one of a number of shoemakers offering an emergency service for clients in a crisis. ( image above is not of one his shoes!).
This continues to read.....A lawyer flies to Washington from New York for a romantic rendezvous. For her tryst she wears a slinky, black Valentino dress, and high heel Prada Sandals. On her way to dinner at 8.30pm one of her heels snaps off. She finds a Deli, buys a $10 blue plastic flip-flops & thwacks her way into the chic restaurant....... & a little further down in the article......Ask any woman if she has ever had a shoe nightmare & the stories of the snapped heels, broken buckles, torn straps & evenings spent sitting at parties or propped up at the bar to disguise a no longer 4 inch heel, around......... then the writer of this article ( credit to Julie Earle-Levine ) continues to write that......some designer and retailers are happy to help women in crisis, especially if they can sell a new pair of shoes in th eprocess........Sergio Rossi has gone one step further and set up an emergency shoe hotline for women "who have no time to deal with shoe emergencies"............it continues.....if you live in Manhattan or Beverly Hills, just dial 1888-4shoe911 & fatser than you can wobble home or a shoe repair shop a Sergio representative will bring you a selection of shoes within two hours.........& the article continues on about other designers & shoemakers etc etc etc. High end shoes & high end service, good luck & why not!!! I can just hear some feeling really sorry who those women who might have spent may be a $1000 on a pair of heels who now have to wait for a couple of hours!!! what might they do other than waste that time!!! may be a good time solution & a good additional business for a young entrepreneur would be to start a new altruistic venture called; Dial A Foot Masaage While You Wait!!!! or may be this service could be an additional bolt on to shoe911!!??? something like......Why not get a Foot massage while you wait for the repair man!!! just dial 1888-pleasegivemeafootmassage911 & our experts will be at your service!!! its not really for me but any enterprising young men or indeed women, please go ahead. Good luck & why not!!!
All in the name of humanity you realize!